The Birdcage Archives

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Postscript of a Previous Post

Hello Gentle Reader

In my previous post, there was discussion of writers from around the world that included many large names, from Nobel Laureates like: Gunter Grass, Elfriede Jelinek, Orhan Pamuk and Wole Soyinka – to bestseller authors like Margaret Atwood and Salman Rushdie; as well as Russian writers, like Ludmila Ulitskaya. These authors have signed a petition, in protest against Putin’s new moral laws, and religious defamation legislation – which they have argued, strangles freedom of speech and freedom of expression. This along with the controversies surrounding the Winter Olympics, in its budget, and its serious lacking accommodations for the athletes; this petition is only more publicity to one large publicity machine. Which one could say is an added example of a new tradition of the Olympics themselves.

Ulitskaya has stated that one of the books she has worked on, is now being investigated because it has broken the ‘gay propaganda,’ laws that were passed in Russia. The authorities have stated that this is not true. The book in question, is part of a series of books, for teenagers whose subject matter, are anthropological. In one book where family life and structure is discussed; has garnered the suspicions of the cultural authorities or moral police. “The Family in Our Country and Others,” by Vera Timenchik has caused quite a controversy; because the book states that some of the families in the world are Homosexual. Vera Timenchik has stated that she has been questioned by the authorities; and has informed Ludmila Ulitskaya that the authorities wish to talk to her as well. The authorities – The Investigative Committee of Russia; have denied this, and have stated that Ulitskaya has not been summoned to testify or being questioned in the accusations.

Whether or not Ludmila Ulitskaya is being called to an inquiry, it does show however, that the fears of these authors are not unjustified. The cultural ideology in which Russian society is being forced to accept is akin to that of Soviet-era Propaganda.

Thank-you For Reading Gentle Reader
Take Care
And As Always
Stay Well Read
*And Remember: Download Books Illegally is Thievery and Wrong*

M. Mary