Hello Gentle Reader
When it comes to large and prestigious literary awards, there is a lot of hype. There is the race, which takes place over a period of weeks, in which the shortlisted authors each compete to showcase their literary talents. However, it appears that literary awards, have a – at times, negative effect on the books in which they have promoted. Though sales skyrocket, for the book and the author; a study recently conducted, shows that, readers have opposing views of the critics who praise the works that have won the award. A major note was, when Julian Barnes won the Booker Prize in two-thousand and eleven – during the Booker Crisis. Though the recognition poured in for Barnes, for his achievement; at winning the Booker Prize, readers of the book eventually, showed their opposing views.
“What happened to Barnes's book flies in the face of much research on the effects of social status.”
Writes, Amanda Sharkey and Balázs Kovács; the two academics, took the reviews, of many readers off of the literary social media site GoodReads. Amanda Sharkey and Balázs Kovács believe that the reason this happens to award winning books, is because readers are not drawn to the book, by instinctual taste or personal choice. They are drawn to the book based on the award that has been attached to it, and because of the hype, there is a lot of room to be let down, and disappointed.
It’s an interesting study. Perhaps its’ not rocket science, but it proves just how engulfed, individuals are in a consumerist society. Literary awards are meant, to distinguish the merit of a: book; poem; collection; or story – and showcase it, in these lights, based on the opinions of a group of judges. However much like sheep running to the new green grass, to graze; individuals run to everything, that has a award to it, because it ‘must be good,’ and it comes to no surprise that our high expectations – utopian and over idealized; may come to disappointment.
For further information on the study and the original article by “The Guardian,” please visit the following link:
Thank-you For Reading Gentle Reader
Take Care
And As Always
Stay Well Read
*And Remember: Downloading Books Illegally is Thievery and Wrong.*
M. Mary