Hello Gentle Reader
Recently on the television (i was watching crude humor of South Park) and i saw the new trailer of the next "Twilight," movie comming out. I found myself almost busting a gut.
However i started to think about this. think very carefulyl about this indeed. because i started to note, that these "twilight," movies are comming out like a mormon pops out babies. They come out one after another after another after another after another. i find it hillarous. Because with "Harry Potter", and "The Lord of the Rings," and even C.S. Lewis's: "The Chronicles of Narnia," each movie took its individual time. Each came out a few years after the predecessor. Each one was amazing in its own individual way (well to a degree, i still find "The Lord of the Rings," long and boring.). But i notice with this "Twilight," phemenonm, is that they are pushing the movies out as fast as they can. I come to wonder, whats the hurry?
Does each movie need to be popped out of the oven, placed on the counter, and decorated horribly then sent to theaters with a bunch of over blown media hype? I find myself laughing. Stupidity seems to be a virus, that seems to spread amongst people faster then the common cold, or the flu. But i cannot expect to much from people who read such trash, let alone watch it.
Perhaps Martin Amis (in his interivew "No More Illusions: An Interview With Martin Amis) said it best:
"Also Gwyn stands for the culture: if Gwyn writes shit, and if the world likes shit, then the world is shit."
Ta-Da From the words of Martin Amis himself (though i doubt any younger ignorant and self-absorbed and borderline narssastic children of today would recongize that name) If people like shit (Twilight) then there you have it -- the world is shit -- personally, i find that a rather disturbing thought. However, i also find this playfully amusing as well.
Because it is both true, and real. People are animals. animals often gather in packs. What happens in packs? Mob/Pack mentallity and from there, you have a bunch of people who cannot think for themselves because they are to stupid or to ignorant to do so.
The wrold is full of a few types of things. Two of which are Shepards and Sheep. You are either a Shepard who dispese the shit for the Sheep to eat, or you are a Sheep, who eats the shit that is spread for you to eat. Surely something to think about, though i doubt that'll happen.
"Too much thought is bad for the soul, for art, and for crime. It is also a sign of middle age."
— Patrick Hamilton
And if i may add -- to much lack of thinking is bad for the mind, because you end up enjoying mind numbing bull shit, of what everyone else enjoys -- Which is Shit!
Thank-you for reading Gentle Reader
Take Care
(link to the Martin Amis Interview below):
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