The Birdcage Archives

Monday, 29 January 2018

Introduction: A Bi-Weekly Column – Insights, Opinions, Judgements, and Candor

Hello Gentle Reader

I have never been one who has been shy of having an opinion, passing judgement, possessing insight, and of course releasing it all with great candor. I’ve been limited in my blog to just book reviews, Nobel speculation, and personal reportage of literary events and awards—which lately has been limited to obituaries of recently departed authors, most recently: Ursula Le Guin. Yet as of late, I don't always have the financial funds to purchase books, and of course being someone of practical mind set, I cannot purchase books when the finances need to be allocated in other directions.  Still, why should this inconvenience set me back from sharing my perspectives and opinions with you—only this time on a wider of variety of subjects! Of course the matter posted and discussed is of my choosing, with my own attached perspectives, opinions, judgments, criticisms, and candor. It is of course my goal to ensure the column is as eclectic and eccentric as possible, with a dash of wit, irony and a heaping scoop of vitriol. Topics can and will range from: the uselessness of communication courses, to the trivialities of post-secondary education, to the terrors of work, to the unique politics of toxic work environments, to the difference between a boss, leader, and manager (and of course: how they are all the same), to my thoughts on writers for whatever reason, be it admiration or trepidation. The column should be posted on Tuesdays; starting with the first column being posted Tuesday, February 6th 2018; and hopefully becoming a regular bi-weekly event. 

Thank-you so much Gentle Reader for your patience, kindness, comments, and continual readership!

Until February 6th Gentle Reader!

Thank-you For Reading Gentle Reader
Take Care
And As Always
Stay Well Read

M. Mary

P.S. A Review of Bae Suah's novel "Recitation," will be post Early February as well. 

Edit - Hello Gentle Reader, the two first columns are up -- please find the label Tea On a Tuesday  

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