The Birdcage Archives

Friday, 18 April 2014

Gabriel Garcia Marquez “Gabo,” Passes Away

Hello Gentle Reader

One of the giants of the Latin American Boom; and one of the greatest practitioners of the ambiguous literary style ‘magical realism,’ has passed away, at the age of eighty-seven. Marquez is a Nobel Laureate; and most famous for his masterpiece, “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” a novel that has gone on to influence a generation of writers. To this day the novel is read, and herald as a fine piece of literary craftsmanship. Marquez (affectionately referred to as Gabo) had written many novels since. Those novels include: “A Chronicle of Death Foretold,” “Love in the Time of Cholera,” as well as “The Autumn of the Patriarch.” However Marquez, was also an accomplished short story writer; find both literary modes of writing, adequate, in order to explore his literary world view. He has been referred to as the greatest, predecessor of Cervantes, according to the late Carlos Fuentes. It is obvious from numerous articles, tweets and speeches; that the literary world is in mourning for this giant of literature, however it has been stated: such giants of literature; never truly die. I suspect this will be proven as true. May Marquez rest in peace, and he will never be forgotten in the Latin American world – or the South American world either. He will be recognized as a writer, not only for his talents in conveying a story, with a style; but also for his political work: befriending Castro; as well as helping shape negations between guerilla’s and the Colombian government. With his work Marquez brought Latin America out of its solitude, and offered the world a glimpse into the identity of the world, often overlooked.

Rest in Peace Gabriel Garcia Marquez “Gabo.”

Thank-you For Reading Gentle Reader
Take Care
And As Always
Stay Well Read
*And Remember: Downloading Books Illegally is Thievery and Wrong.*

M. Mary

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