The Birdcage Archives

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Herta Müller New Novel "Hunger Angel," Released Today!

Hello Gentle

Waiting for three years for this book to come out. First from Herta Müller winning the 2009 Nobel Prize for Literature, and second when it ended up on the German Book Prize Shortlist. It was a year for the Nobel Laureate Herta Herta Müller, and the constant attention that surrounds her now with dictatorships and authoritarian governments being challenged and questioned, and openly defied. Through revolutions, civil war and democratic demonstrations. Yet it is a day for me, when I am able to go and pick up “The Hunger Angel,” by Herta Müller – and have an almost complete collection of her works available in English (“Traveling on One Leg,” is the only book left to get). The original German title is: “Atemschaukel,” which is not even a real German word, but a compound word in German which translates into “the back and forth of breathing,” in English. In the UK the books title “Everything I Posses I Carry With Me,” comes from the first line of the book. A deeply political book but also a personal one for Herta Müller, as she wrote on the experiences of her good friend Oskar Pastior; both had planned to write the book together, but with Oskar Pastior’s death in 2006, it ended there. It is also a homage to Herta Muller’s mother who was also sent to a Soviet Labour Concentration Camp.

Thank-you For Reading Gentle Reader
Take Care
And As Always
Stay Well Read
*And Remember: Downloading Books Illegally is Thievery and Wrong.*

M. Mary