The Birdcage Archives

Thursday 10 February 2011

Wikileaks and News Media

Hello Gentle Reader

Welcome to the two people that are following this blog. Thank-you for choosing to follow this blog, and I am grateful for their time.

Wikileaks, the website that takes classified information, and makes them open to the world, uncensored, and shows them for what they are, is arguably the most controversial, website, in the world, for its use of taking classified information from governments and making them public. The question comes to some people is this journalism or whistle blowing? Is the founder Julian Assange a form of hero for democracy, or is he a cyber terrorist, puting national security of countries at risk? These are questions that many people, ask. Some dismiss the website as nothing more then liberal, actions to try and destroy democracy. Others applaud wikileaks for it, showing information that others would want kept out of sight of the public, because of just how damaging it can be.

Some say that wikileaks is a new kind of journalism, that remains unbiased (if that is possible) and that it shows sources, and information, that is deemed sensitive or classified, and opens them up for the world. This however is seen as dangerous by many people. Those against the website called Wikileaks a forum that puts people and soldiers at risk for some serious retaliation. Others praise Wikileaks for its use of making governments become transparent, and shows how some governments and some countries, are a bit uncivilized in the way that they attain information.

When I watched a documentary on wikileaks the other day on the television, in the early hours of the morning, I was struck by how polarized Wikileaks is. Not the website itself, but how it is either agree with what it is doing, or you don't. There appears to be no neutral ground in this argument. What some call freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, others say is terrorism, and a form of treason. Others question, how it is a form of treason when it show documents and video's in which others do not want the public to see because of it content. So arguably the real organization in the wrong by many is the people, who are hiding the documents and video's from the public. However, those against Wikileaks say that it puts national security at risk, and that its way of obtaining, such documents is like thievery. Which I am sure Wikileaks has compared to the same with the military has attained information, via the use of torture. This subject certainly is polarized for sure.

But all one needs to do now days is merely look outside, turn on the news, among other forms of information, and one can see that the world truly is in a polarized state.

Lets American news media shall we? Obviously MSNBC -- an American news media outlet; is biased towards the liberal side of things. While its arguable that FOX news, is more intersted in the conservative side of the news media. So in the day and age of conservative, vs. liberal news media, what is Wikileaks? Liberal? Conservative? Could it possibly neither, and simply posts documents as a form of whistle blowing, to make injustices heard of and to encourage people to take action.

However Wikileaks is not one, that has been without some very known criticism. Some have said that the founder Julian Assange should be assassinated, while others have bluntly said that he should be killed.

Yet Wikileaks still appears to remain strong. Posting documents, and videos that others would deem far to sensitive for the public eye. But the public seems to have taken an interest in what is being posted, and is interested to see what there tax money is being used for, and how the war is being fought, for better or for worst. From posting cabals of diplomats uncensored, observations on political states of offices, in foreign countries. Everything appears, to be open in this new day and age. I suppose one does not call this the "Information Age," for no reason at all. Perhaps Wikileaks is a fore runner, for a new form of media, while others, see it as a form of cyber terrorism.

Its hard to say where I stand on this subject. I understand where wikileaks is coming from, and of course I am not having much of a problem with what is being posted, because information is a powerful, object in today’s world. Everyone now needs to learn that privacy is becoming something of the past, but also, that information, is becoming more and more open to the people. Whether organizations want it be or not. The question is how much is to much, and where does one cross the line. This is a new age seen by many, but also in some aspects or another it is just the beginning of how things may be going in the future. Though there will certainly be lots of criticism, plenty of outrage people, and plenty of protests, et cetera, this new aspect of reality will probably be accepted. Wikileaks might be the new form of journalism, and it will certainly be interesting what the future holds.

Thank-you For Reading Gentle Reader
Take Care
And As Always
Stay Well Read
and Once again Welcome to both of the two followers.


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