The Birdcage Archives

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Kafka on the Shore

Hello Gentle Reader

Recently i was able to finish the pleasing novel "Kafka on the Shore," by a very talented Japanese novelists Haruki Murakami. The tale is as much metaphysical, and fairy tale quality as it is as serious and enjoyable read as well. At times i have always found that sometimes novels that deal with some form of philosophical, political, metaphysical, et cetera, undertones can often become a tedious read, because the author will focus more on those aspects of the tale/story rather then the plot as well. However Kafka on the Shore is anything but a boring and tedious read. Haruki Murakami keeps a very fresh, tale, and keeps his characters always appear to be new to you, and yet you grow some attachments to them at the same time.

Though the tale is surreal at times, and absurd, even rather shocking at times, yet a person (i am sure) will continue reading because they want to see how the events that had just happened are going to affect the future of one character or all characters. Its difficult to truly describe the feeling this novel will leave on a reader; because Haruki Murakami, is leaving a lot of the work of interpretation up to the reader themselves. what the reader gets out of this most fascinating novel is most likely going to be determined on how they read it, there opinions, and other factors that have surrounded the reader at that point in time, most likely will also influence the experience the reader is given after they read the novel.

One of the interesting aspects of the novel is that the first time a person reads the novel, they get a introduction into it. then years later, the person might read the novel again, and though the plot is the same, they get a new appreciation, some of the riddles makes sense, some of the more surreal parts or strange parts, fit into the puzzle of the novel a bit more gently rather then sitting on the edge of the puzzle, and looking awkward.

In many ways "Kafka On the Shore," is going to be like other novels of the world, that only get better and more entertaining as a person reads it. Haruki Murkami's novel will be like fine wine, as it gets older, it grows more dignified and shows a different side of itself, with every read; unlike other novels, that age like milk, and after the second time leave a soured taste in your mouth.

One thing i will say on this novel, is that, i wouldn't go in reading it, and start thinking that its about a young boy who runs away from home, to find his mother, has crazy adventures, and all the evil people are punished. its anything but that. Haruki Murakami made that quite clear, that sometimes evil people get away with their crimes, and the real people who get punished are the good people. As well as this novel does not really, tie in all the loose ends at the end, that becomes the readers job, and that's what makes Haruki Murakami's novel such a fun read, is its not going to do all the work for the reader, the reader is expected to make their own conclusions. there is a rather general plot, but the entire novel itself, is made to allow the reader to ask questions, and wonder. For anyone out there that doesn't like a novel like that, this is not one for you.

For those that do enjoy a novel that pushes you to think, and wonder, and yet are never truly given any answers, this is a novel for you. With a almost fairy tale quality (old fairy tale quality like the Brothers Grimm among others) and often absurd ideas, and surreal situations, and metaphysical questions, with a sense of reality this novel will have many questioning the novel over and over again.

Thank-you for reading gentle reader


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